“The forest is a peculiar organism of unlimited kindness and benevolence…it affords protection to all beings, offering shade even to the axe-man who destroys it.”
– Gautama Buddha

Albion Land & Forest Services was founded in 2020 by Michael Sample RPFT B.Sc., to help forest owners connect with support from government and NGOs.
Trained at the Maritime College of Forest Technology and with over a decade of experience in Forestry and Public Service, we provide quality work alongside friendly, approachable service. Our previous work includes developing forest management plans for communities and private landowners, leading wildfire suppression efforts at major Canadian wildfires, and campaigning for environmental conservation and awareness.
As Forestry professionals, we take pride in helping the public understand and appreciate their natural resources; the forests, plants, animals and insects we share our land with. Many Canadians love and enjoy our natural heritage, and its our job to help them steward and manage their property with sound forestry practices.
If you’re interested in one of our services, or would like to contact us for more information, please click to learn more.